QWS Express Trailers is located in Northeast Texas. For more information about our products, prices, and delivery schedules, please complete the form below and click the Submit button to send your inquiry to us. All inquiries will receive a response within one business day. You may also phone us during standard business hours of 8AM through 5PM, Monday through Saturday - 903-886-7079.

Type in your full name:


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Re-type your e-mail address for confirmation:


Type in your telephone number: (optional)

Where are you located? (optional)

City: State:

Are you a dealer or individual buyer? (required)

 What type(s) of trailers are you interested in? (required) To choose more than one category, hold down the CTRL key while making your selections.

Please type your specific inquiry in the comment box below:

Click the Submit button to send us your inquiry!

*If you experience difficulties using this form, please e-mail us direct at info@buyatrailer.net